And... here we are! PAGE 50! ...only a couple weeks after the one-year anniversary, but hey!
Anyhoo, Chapter 1, part 1 will be wrapping up in a couple pages. I'll be taking a mini-quasi-hiatus before heading into part 2. But! Like last time, I'll still have something up on update day. I'm thinking I'm going to make this A Thing, so head's up there.
Also! I will be moving the first half of October and, hopefully, it won't mess things up too much update-wise. Buuuut! If anyone would be willing to contribute any possible filler material (one-shot comics, artwork, writings... anything, really!) just in case things DO get behind, I would be eternally grateful! If I end up not needing it during the move, I will hold on to it for future between-chapter breaks.